Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Introduction To Organic Chemistry : 12.5 Organic Reaction

2 type of bond cleavage:-
  • Hemolytic cleavage
  • Heterolytic cleavage

Hemolytic cleavage
The breaking of a single (two-electron) bond in which one electron remains on each of the atoms. Also known as free-radical reaction; homolysis.

Heterolytic cleavage
The breaking of a single (two-electron) chemical bond in which both electrons remain on one of the atoms. Also known as heterolysis.



In organic chemistry, an electrophilic addition reaction is an addition reaction where, in a chemical compound, a π bond is broken and two new σ bonds are formed. The substrate of an electrophilic addition reaction must have a double bond or triple bond.[1]


The driving force for this reaction is the formation of an electrophile X+ that forms a covalent bond with an electron-rich unsaturated C=C bond. The positive charge on X is transferred to the carbon-carbon bond, forming a carbocation.


Electrophilic addition mechanism


In step 2 of an electrophilic addition, the positively charged intermediate combines with (Y) that is electron-rich and usually an anion to form the second covalent bond.



Step 2 is the same nucleophilic attack process found in an SN1 reaction. The exact nature of the electrophile and the nature of the positively charged intermediate are not always clear and depend on reactants and reaction conditions.


In all asymmetric addition reactions to carbon, regioselectivity is important and often determined by Markovnikov's rule. Organoborane compounds give anti-Markovnikov additions. Electrophilic attack to an aromatic system results in electrophilic aromatic substitution rather than an addition reaction.


In organic chemistry, an electrophilic addition reaction is an addition reaction where, in a chemical compound, a π bond is broken and two new σ bonds are formed. The substrate of an electrophilic addition reaction must have a double bond or triple bond.[1]


The driving force for this reaction is the formation of an electrophile X+ that forms a covalent bond with an electron-rich unsaturated C=C bond. The positive charge on X is transferred to the carbon-carbon bond, forming a carbocation.


Electrophilic addition mechanism


In step 2 of an electrophilic addition, the positively charged intermediate combines with (Y) that is electron-rich and usually an anion to form the second covalent bond.



Step 2 is the same nucleophilic attack process found in an SN1 reaction. The exact nature of the electrophile and the nature of the positively charged intermediate are not always clear and depend on reactants and reaction conditions.


In all asymmetric addition reactions to carbon, regioselectivity is important and often determined by Markovnikov's rule. Organoborane compounds give anti-Markovnikov additions. Electrophilic attack to an aromatic system results in electrophilic aromatic substitution rather than an addition reaction.


Free Radicals

Free radical addition is an addition reaction in organic chemistry involving free radicals [1]. The addition may occur between a radical and a non-radical, or between two radicals.

The basic steps with examples of the free radical addition (also known as radical chain mechanism) are:

* Initiation by a radical initiator: A radical is created from a non-radical precursor.

* Chain propagation: A radical reacts with a non-radical to produce a new radical species

* Chain termination: Two radicals react with each other to create a non-radical species

Free radical reactions depend on a reagent having a (relatively) weak bond, allowing it to homolyse to form radicals (often with heat or light). Reagents without such a weak bond would likely proceed via a different mechanism. An example of an addition reaction involving aryl radicals is the Meerwein arylation.

To illustrate, consider the alkoxy radical-catalyzed, anti-Markovnikov reaction of hydrogen bromide to an alkene. In this reaction, a catalytic amount of organic peroxide is needed to abstract the acidic proton from HBr and generate the bromine radical, however a full molar equivalent of alkene and acid is required for completion.





An elimination reaction is a type of organic reaction in which two substituents are removed from a molecule in either a one or two-step mechanism [2]. Either the unsaturation of the molecule increases (as in most organic elimination reactions) or the valence of an atom in the molecule decreases by two, a process known as reductive elimination.


An important class of elimination reactions are those involving alkyl halides, or alkanes in general, with good leaving groups, reacting with a Lewis base to form an alkene in the reverse of an addition reaction. When the substrate is asymmetric, regioselectivity is determined by Zaitsev's rule. The one and two-step mechanisms are named and known as E2 reaction and E1 reaction, respectively.


In a substitution reaction, a functional group in a particular chemical compound is replaced by another group [1] [2]. In organic chemistry, the electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution reactions are of prime importance. Organic substitution reactions are classified in several main organic reaction types depending on whether the reagent that brings about the substitution is considered an electrophile or a nucleophile, whether a reactive intermediate involved in the reaction is a carbocation, a carbanion or a free radical or whether the substrate is aliphatic or aromatic. Detailed understanding of a reaction type helps to predict the product outcome in a reaction. It also is helpful for optimizing a reaction with regard to variables such as temperature and choice of solvent.

A good example of a substitution reaction is the photochemical chlorination of methane forming methyl chloride.Substitution reaction : chlorination of methane


An addition reaction, in organic chemistry, is in its simplest terms an organic reaction where two or more molecules combine to form a larger one [1][2].


Addition reactions are limited to chemical compounds that have multiply-bonded atoms, such as molecules with carbon-carbon double bonds, i.e., alkenes, or with triple bonds, i.e., alkynes. Also included are molecules containing carbon - hetero double bonds like those with carbonyl (C=O) groups or those with imine (C=N) groups.


There are two main types of polar addition reactions: electrophilic addition and nucleophilic addition. One non-polar addition reaction exists as well called free radical addition.

Addition reactions general overview. Top to bottom: electrophic addition to alkene, nucleophilic addition of nucleophile to carbonyl and free radical addition of halide to alkene


An addition reaction is the opposite of an elimination reaction. For instance the hydration reaction of an alkene and the dehydration of an alcohol are addition-elimination pairs. Addition reactions are also encountered in polymerizations and called addition polymerization.



rearrangement reaction is a broad class of organic reactions where the carbon skeleton of a molecule is rearranged to give a structural isomer of the original molecule [1] . Often a substituent moves from one atom to another atom in the same molecule. In the example below the substituent R moves from carbon atom 1 to carbon atom 2:

General scheme rearrangement


Intermolecular rearrangements also take place.


A rearrangement is not well represented by simple and discrete electron transfers (represented by curly arrows in organic chemistry texts). The actual mechanism of alkyl groups moving, as in Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement, probably involves transfer of the moving alkyl group fluidly along a bond, not ionic bond-breaking and forming. In pericyclic reactions, explanation by orbital interactions give a better picture than simple discrete electron transfers. It is, nevertheless, possible to draw the curved arrows for a sequence of discrete electron transfers that give the same result as a rearrangement reaction, although these are not necessarily realistic.


Three key rearrangement reactions are 1,2-rearrangements, pericyclic reactions and olefin metathesis.


Main article: 1,2-rearrangement

A 1,2-rearrangement is an organic reaction where a substituent moves from one atom to another atom in a chemical compound. In a 1,2 shift the movement involves two adjacent atoms but moves over larger distances are possible. Examples are the Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement: and the Beckmann rearrangement:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reaction Kinetic : 11.3 Factor Affecting Reaction Rate

  • There are 4 factors that affect the rate of reaction which are:
    • concentration
    • particle size
    • pressure
    • temperature

  • Concentration
    • the relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentration can be show below:
  • as concentration increase, the number of molecules per unit volume increase. 
  • Therefore, the frequency of collision between the reactant molecules increase.
  • the frequency of effective collision also increase hence increase the rate of reaction.

  • Particle size
    • The relationship between the rate of reaction and the particle size can be show below:
  • When the size of particles for the same masses of particles decrease, the total surface area of the particles increase
  • The total surface area exposes for the collision increase, hence, the frequency of collision increase
  • The frequency of effective collision also increase hence it increase the rate of reaction
  • Pressure
    • Only applied for gaseous reactants
    • The relationship between the rate of reaction and pressure of the reactant can be show below:
  • When the pressure increase, the volume of the reactant decrease.
  • The reactant molecules become closer from each other, thus easier to collide
  • Therefore, the frequency to collision increase and the frequency of effective collision also increase
  • Hence, the rate of reaction increase
  • Temperature
    • The relationship between the rate of reaction and temperature of the reactant can be show below :
  • As the temperature increase, the average kinetic energy of the reactant particles increase
  • Thus, it move faster and collide more often thus the frequency of collision increase
The frequency of effective collision also increase hence the rate of reaction increase

Reaction Kinetic : 11.2 Collision Theory and Transition State Theory

Ø Collision theory
-          Reaction is result from colliding particles with a certain frequency and minimum energy
-          The collision which produces a reaction is called effective collision

Ø Effective collision
         The collision which occur when the following condition is fulfilled:
-          Colliding molecules posses minimum energy which is equal or more than the activation energy
-          The reactants molecules collide at correct orientation

Ø Activation energy
         The minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction

Ø Transition state
       Temporary state formed by reactant molecules as a result of collisions to form products.
       Characteristics of transition state :
-          Exist momentarity (temporary)
-          High-energy (potential energy higher than that of reactant and products
-          unstable

Reaction Kinetic : 11.1 Reaction Rate

  • What is reaction rate?
  • how fast the concentration of reactant(or product) are change in a chemical reaction

  • How to expressing the reaction rate? 
                                              A + B 

                reaction rate = -d[A]/dt = d[B]/dt
  • The negative value of [A] indicates the decreasing amount of A which is the reactant

  • How to calculate the reaction rate ?
- by calculating the gradient of the following graph

  • How to differential the rate of reaction?
    aA + bB → cC + dD
  • rate equation for the above reaction can be written as:
   -1/a d[A]/dt = -1/b d[B]/dt = 1/c d[C]/dt = 1/d d[D]/dt

  • Rate law and order of reaction

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Electrochemistry : 10.3 : Electrolysis cell


Voltaic cell :
  • use a spontaneous reaction to generate electric energy. 
Electrolysis :
  • use electric energy to drive non- spontaneous energy.

  • electrons generate at anode (-)    
  • Electrons remove from anode (+)
  • electrons consumed at cathode (+)
  • Electrons supplied to cathode (-)
  • electrons flow from anode(-) to cathode (+)    
  • Electron flow anode (+) to cathode (-)

  • Splitting ('lysing') of a substance by input of electrical energy.
  • To decompose a compound into it element.


1. Can be :
  • pure compound. 
    ex : H2O , molten salt

  • Aqueous solution of salt.
    ex : NaCI(aq) Na2SO4 (aq)


Example : molten NACI 
Anode     (oxidation)    :                              2Cl (l) ------ Cl2(g) + 2e-
Cathode (reduction)    :                 2Na+ (l) + 2e- ------ 2Na (s)
Overall                           :            2Na+ (l) + 2Cl (l) ------ 2Na + Cl2 (g) 

    *anion oxidised at anode!
    *cation reduced at cathode!


    Anode (oxidation)                     2H2O(l) ------ O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-
    Cathode (reduction)         4H2O(l)+ 4e- ------ 2H2(g) + 4OH-(aq)
    Overall                                        2H2O(l) ------ 2H2(g) + O2(g)
                      [Note : 4H+(aq) + 4OH-(aq) ------ 4H2O(l)]
  • volume of H2 : O
                          = 2 : 1
  • electrode : inert (Pt, etc )
  • H2O oxidized at cathode produce O2
  • H2O reduce at cathode to produce H2
  • water can be oxidized and reduced.


  • Aqueous solution of salt are mixture of many species (ions and HO2)
  • So we have to compare various electrode potentials (E) to predict.
  • When two half- reaction are possible at an electrode.
     Cathode    : reduction with more positive E° occurs.
     Anode    : oxidation with more negative E° occurs.

CATION OF ACTIVE METALS (that cannot be reduced) 
  • Cations of metal in group (1) and (2) and A 1
  • They are not reduced (E° more negative)
  • H2O reduced to H2 and OH 
Example: Na2SO4(aq)

Species present in solution: Na+ , SO42-, H2

At cathode(-):
 Na+(aq) + e- ------ Na(s)                             E= -2.71 V
2H2O(l) + 2e- ------ H2(g) + 2OH- (aq)        E= -0.83 V

ANION (OXOANIONS AND F) (cannot be oxidised)
  • Common oxoanion such as SO42-, CO32-, HO3-, AND PO43-, (AND F) are not oxidized.
  • Because the central atom already at it highest oxidation state.
  • H2O oxidixed to O2 and H+
EXAMPLE :Na2SO4(aq) 

Special present in the solution: Na+, SO42-, H2O

At anode(+): 
2H2O ------ O(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-

  • Cation of Au, Ag, Cu, Cr, Pb and Cd
  • They are reduce at cathode (E° more +ve)
Example: AgNO(aq) 

Species present in the solution: Ag+ , NO-, H2O

At cathode(-):
 Ag+(aq) + e- ------ Ag(s)
2H2O(l) + 2e- ------ H(g) + 2OH-(aq)

  • I-, Br-, Cl-, except F
  • The concentration must be high
Example : NaCl(aq)

Species present in the solution : Na+, Cl-, H2O

At cathode(-):
2H2O(l) + 2e- ------ H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)

At anode(+):
2Cl-(aq) ------ Cl2(g) + 2e-

  • Which species will be reduced : Au3+(aq) or H2O
ans : Au3+ 
Au3+(aq) + e- ------ Au(s)
Au3+ is ion of less active metal (E more positive).
  • Which species will be reduces : NA+(aq) or H2O
ans : H2O    
2H2O(l) + 2e- ------ H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)
Na+ is ion of active metal (E more negative).
  • Which species will be oxidised:
ans : H2O    
2H2O(l) + O(g) ------ 4H+(aq) + 4e-
SO­­­­42- is an oxoanion (cannot be oxidised because the central atom alreary at the highest oxidation states).
  • Which species will be oxidized: CL (aq) or H2o
ans : Cl        
2Cl-(aq) ------ Cl2(g) + 2e-
hallides (except F-) can be oxidized (due to overvoltage).


Ex: Concentration NaCl(aq)

At cathode (-)    : 2H2O(l) + 2e- ------ H2(g) + 2OH-(aq)
At anode (+)      :          2Cl-(aq) ------ Cl2(g) + 2e-

EXAMPLE : dilute NaCl(aq)
At cathode (-)      4H2O(l) + 4e- ------ 2H2(g) + 4OH-(aq)
At anode (+)                  2H2O(l) ------ O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-

Overall                            2H2O(l) ------ 2H2(g) O2(g)

  • Inactive electrode such as graphite and Pt(s) are normally use in electrolysis.
    -They do not involve in the reaction
  • Active electrodes such as metal (anode) dissolve to form metallic ions
    EXAMPLE : Electrolysis of using inert electrode

  • Cathode :               Cu2+(aq) + 4e- ------ 2Cu (s)
  • Anode     :                           2H2O(l) ------ O2(g) + 4 H+ (aq) + 4e-        
  • Overall    :      2H2O(l) + 2Cu2+(aq) ------ 2Cu(S) + O2(g) + 4 H+ (aq)
  • Amount of substance produce of each electrode is directly proportional to quantity of charge flowing through the cell
  • Also called Faraday's First Law of electrolysis.

  • Main steps
    • Balance half reaction to find number of moles of electrons.
    • Needed per mole product.
    • Use Faraday's constant (96500C / mol ) to find corresponding charge.
    • Use molar mass / mole to find charge needed for a given mass / mole of product


Charge ( Q )         =    Current ( I )    ×    time ( t )
Unit Coulomb , C        Ampere , A        Second , s

Electrochemistry : 10.2 Nernst Equation

  • Cell potential (E°cell) under any condition
                  Ecell = E°cell – (RT/nF) ln Q

R: universal gas constant.            Q : reaction quontient.

N: no. of e- transferred in             T : absolute temperature (X)

balanced redox reaction.

F : charge of 1 mol of e"96.500 C/ mol e-


Cd (s) + 2Ag+ (aq) ------ Cd2+(aq) + 2Ag (s)



Ecell At 25°C (298K)


    Ecell = E°cell(RT/nF) ln Q         (convert to logarithm)

    Ecell = E°cell - (0.0592/N) log Q  





 Ecell = E°cell - (RT/nF) ln Q  



Zn (S) +Cu2+ (aq) ------ Zn2+ (aq) + Cu (s)


WHEN Q < 1 = [reactant] > [product]

                       = in Q < 0 , so Ecell > E°cell

WHEN Q > 1 = [reactant] = [product]

                       = in Q = 0 , so Ecell = E°cell

WHEN Q > 1 = [reactant] < [product]

                       = in Q > 0 , so Ecell < E°cell



    Ecell = E°cell - (0.0592/N) log Q

  • Ecell = O                           
  • The system reach equilibrium.
  • No more energy release.
  • Cell can do no more wore.

Electrochemistry : 10.1 Galvanic Cell (continued)


  • occurs as the result of different ability of metal to give up their electron to flow through the circuit.



  • different in electrical potential of electrodes
  • also called voltage or electromotive force (e.m.f)


Ecell > 0

  • sponteneous reaction
    • The more positive Ecell
    • The more work the can do
  • The further the reaction proceed to right


Ecell < 0

  • Non spontaneous cell reaction


ECell = 0

  • The reaction has reach equilibirum
  • The cell can do no more work.



  • unit = volt (V)
  • 1V = 1J/C
C = coulumb (SI unit of electrical charge)



  • Different in electrical potential of electrodes measured at a specified temperature (usually 298k) with all components in their standard states.
  • standard state 
    • 1 atm for gaseous
    • 1 M for solution
    • Pure solid for electrodes

  • potential associate with a given half-reaction (electrode compartment) when all component are in their standard states.
E0half cell = E0anode or E0cathode

  • also call standard reduction potential.
  • example : 
                         Zn2+(aq) + 2e- ------ Zn(s) E0zinc (E0anode)

                        Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ------ Cu(s) E0copper(E0cathode)

                    Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) ------ Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s)

*changing the balancing coefficients of a half-reaction does not change E0 value because electrode potential are intensive properties –does not depend on amount

E0cell AND E0half cell

  • Example : 
Half cell reation

                            Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ------ Cu(s)
                         Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) ------ Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

                         Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) ------ Zn2+(aq) + 2e-

  • E0cell = E0cathode – E0anode



  • specially prepared platinum electrode immersed in a 1M aqueous solution of a strong acid,H+(aq) or H3O+(aq), through which H2 gas at 1 atm is bubled


  • Use standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)
  • standard reference half-cell

    2H+ (aq, 1m) + 2e- ------ H2 (g,1atm) E0 ref= OV
         Zn2+ (aq, 1m) + 2e- ------ Zn (s, 1atm) E zinc= ?

Zn(s) │ Zn2+ (1M) ││ H+ (1M) │ H2 (1atm) │ Pt (s)
E0 cell  = E0 cathode – E0 anode

              = E0 ref – E0 zinc

0.76 V  = 0.00 V – E0 zinc

E0 zinc  = -0.76 V

Pt(s) │ H2 (1atm) │ H+ (1M) │ Cu2+ (1M) │ Cu (s)
Anode : H2 (1atm) 2H+ (1M) +2e-

Cathode : 2e- + Cu2+ (1M)     Cu (s)

H2 (1atm) + Cu2+ (1M)     Cu (s) + 2H+ (1M)


  • Example:
Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ------ Cu (s) E0 = 0.34 V
2H+ (aq) + 2e- ------ H2 (g) E0 = 0.00 V
Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- ------ Zn (s) E0 = -0.76 V
  • The more positive E0 value, the more tendency to be reduced
  • Strength of oxidizing agent (reactant)
    Cu2+ > H+ > Zn2+
  • Strength of reducing agent (product)
    Zn > H2 > Cu


  • All value are relative to hydrogen electrode
  • Strength of oxidizing agent – increase up
  • Strength of reducing agent – increase down
  • Half-cell component usually appear in the same order as in the half-reaction
                                                 Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- ------ Cu (s)                        (reducing)
                                                                  Zn (s) ------ Zn2+ (aq) + 2e-        (oxidizing)
                                             Cu2+ (aq) + Zn (s) ------ Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s)    (overall)
Cell notation : the coefficient is not involve



Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) ------ Zn2+ (aq) + Cu(s)


Zn     - stronger reducing agent

Cu2+ - stronger oxidizing agent

Zn2+  - weaker (0.9)

Cu     - weaker (0.9) 
  • stronger oxidizing agent : E0 larger (more positive)
  • stronger reducing agent : E0 smaller (more negative)
Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- Cu(s) E0: 0.34 V
Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- Zn(s) E0: - 0.76 V
  • How to determine anode (oxidation) and cathode (reduction) for spontaneous reaction, E0cell > 0 ?
  • Strong reducing agent = E0 larger (positive)
                                                 = E0 cathode (reduction)

Reduction: Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- ------ Cu (s) E0 =0.34V

Oxidation :                  Zn (s) ------ Zn2+ (aq) + e- E = - 0.76V

  • Stronger reducing agent     = E0 smaller
                                                         = E0 anode (oxidation)


  • Under standard – state condition, any species on the left of a given half-cell reaction will react spontaneously with a species that appear on the-right of any half-cell reaction located below it,
  • diagonal rule !!!

Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- ------ Cu (s)     E0 = 0.34V

 Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- ------ Zn (s)      E0 = - 0.76V