Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thermochemistry : 9.2 Hess Law

  • Hess's Law of Heat Summation
When reactants are converted to products, the change in enthalpy is the same whether the reaction take step in one step or in a series of step.

    ΔH1 =ΔH2 + ΔH3
  • Application Using Hess's Law
    • To find ΔH of any reaction for which we can write on equation, even if it is impossible to carry out.
    • Two methods of calculation
      • Algebraic method
      • Energy cycle method
  • Algebraic Method
    • Important steps:
      • Identify the target equation whose ΔH unknown.
      • Rearrange the equations given mole of reactants and products are on the correct side.
      • Add the equation to obtain the target equation all other substances must cancel.
  • Standard Enthalpy of Formation (ΔHf)
    • Heat change when 1 mol of a compound is produced from its elements in their standard states.
  • ΔHf
    of Elements
    • In its standard states
  • ΔHf of Compounds
    • Most compound have negative ΔHf
      • The compound is more stable than its components elements.
  • Determining ΔHrxn From ΔHf
    aA + bB = cC + dD

    Hrxn = [cΔHf (C) + dΔHf (D) – aΔHf (A) + bΔHf (B)]

    Hrxn = ( sum of ΔHf of all of the products ) – ( sum of ΔHf of all of the reactant )

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