Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thermochemistry : 9.3 Born-Haber Cycle

  • First Ionization Energy (IE1)
    • Energy required for 1 mol of gaseous atom to lose 1 mol of electrons.

  • Affinity Electron (EA) 
    • Energy change that occurs when 1 mol of gaseous atom gains 1 mol of electrons.

  • Lattice Energy
    • Energy change when 1 mol of solid ionic compound formed from its gaseous ions

  • Magnitude Lattice Energy
    • Indicates the strength of ionic bonding
    • The more negative lattice energy, the stronger ionic bonding
    • It influences : 
      • Melting point
      • Hardness
      • Solubility

  • Determining Lattice Energy
    • Lattice energy cannot be measured directly.
      • Can be calculated by Born-Haber cycle

  • Born-Haber Cycle
    • A series of chosen steps from elements to ionic compound for which all the enthalpies are known , except lattice energy.
      ΔH= sum of ΔHo for multistep path
    • Calculation Step

    Example : LiF

    Overall : Formation of LiF compound
        Li(s) + ½ F2(g)     LiF(s)        ΔHo
    overall = 617 kJ
            ΔHooverall = ΔHof
    Step 1 :- atomization of lithium
        Li(s)     Li(g)                ΔHf = 161 kJ
            ΔH1o = ∆Hoatom or ∆Hsublim

    Step 2 :- atomization of fluorine
        ½ F2(g)     F(g)             ∆H2o = 79.5 kJ
            ∆H2= ∆Hatom

    Step 3 :- ionization of lithium atom
        Li(g)         Li+(g) + e-         ∆H3o = 520 kJ
            ∆H3o = IE1

    Step 4 :- Electron affinity of F atom
        F(g) + e-     F(g)            ∆H4o = -328 kJ
            ∆H4o = EA

    Step 5 :- Formation of LiF(s) from its gaseous ions
        Li+(g) + F-(g)         LiF(s)        ∆H5= ?
            ∆H5o = ∆Holattice of LiF

  • Factors Affecting Lattice Energy
    • From Coulomb's Law
                             ΔE  α  (n+Q+)(n-Q-)

∆H : electrostatic energy
n+ : number
of positive charge
n: number of negative charge 
Q: electrostatic charge (+)
Q: electrostatic charge (-)
d : distance between the ions = r+ r(radius of ions)
  • Ionic bond strength increase when
    • Q, charge (Q) increase
    • Size of atoms (d) decrease
  • Hydration Process of Ionic Crystal in Water
    • 2 main process 
      • Breaking lattice energy of ionic crystal
      • Solvation (hydration)

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