Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reaction Kinetic : 11.3 Factor Affecting Reaction Rate

  • There are 4 factors that affect the rate of reaction which are:
    • concentration
    • particle size
    • pressure
    • temperature

  • Concentration
    • the relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentration can be show below:
  • as concentration increase, the number of molecules per unit volume increase. 
  • Therefore, the frequency of collision between the reactant molecules increase.
  • the frequency of effective collision also increase hence increase the rate of reaction.

  • Particle size
    • The relationship between the rate of reaction and the particle size can be show below:
  • When the size of particles for the same masses of particles decrease, the total surface area of the particles increase
  • The total surface area exposes for the collision increase, hence, the frequency of collision increase
  • The frequency of effective collision also increase hence it increase the rate of reaction
  • Pressure
    • Only applied for gaseous reactants
    • The relationship between the rate of reaction and pressure of the reactant can be show below:
  • When the pressure increase, the volume of the reactant decrease.
  • The reactant molecules become closer from each other, thus easier to collide
  • Therefore, the frequency to collision increase and the frequency of effective collision also increase
  • Hence, the rate of reaction increase
  • Temperature
    • The relationship between the rate of reaction and temperature of the reactant can be show below :
  • As the temperature increase, the average kinetic energy of the reactant particles increase
  • Thus, it move faster and collide more often thus the frequency of collision increase
The frequency of effective collision also increase hence the rate of reaction increase

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