Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reaction Kinetic : 11.1 Reaction Rate

  • What is reaction rate?
  • how fast the concentration of reactant(or product) are change in a chemical reaction

  • How to expressing the reaction rate? 
                                              A + B 

                reaction rate = -d[A]/dt = d[B]/dt
  • The negative value of [A] indicates the decreasing amount of A which is the reactant

  • How to calculate the reaction rate ?
- by calculating the gradient of the following graph

  • How to differential the rate of reaction?
    aA + bB → cC + dD
  • rate equation for the above reaction can be written as:
   -1/a d[A]/dt = -1/b d[B]/dt = 1/c d[C]/dt = 1/d d[D]/dt

  • Rate law and order of reaction

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