Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reaction Kinetic : 11.2 Collision Theory and Transition State Theory

Ø Collision theory
-          Reaction is result from colliding particles with a certain frequency and minimum energy
-          The collision which produces a reaction is called effective collision

Ø Effective collision
         The collision which occur when the following condition is fulfilled:
-          Colliding molecules posses minimum energy which is equal or more than the activation energy
-          The reactants molecules collide at correct orientation

Ø Activation energy
         The minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction

Ø Transition state
       Temporary state formed by reactant molecules as a result of collisions to form products.
       Characteristics of transition state :
-          Exist momentarity (temporary)
-          High-energy (potential energy higher than that of reactant and products
-          unstable

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